Career Plan
4 Year Career Plan
Your Career Starts Now! Figuring out what to do after college can be intimidating, but planning early and getting help can make all the difference. Take a look at our 4 Year Career Plan. We'll get you moving and keep you going in the right direction! Use the lists below as a checklist to make sure you are making progress toward an internship, entry-level job, or grad school.
First Year
- Check out How Do I Decide On A Major information on choosing or changing a major.
- Talk with a career counselor about possible interest areas and career direction.
- Take courses that will help you decide if your major is a good fit with your values, beliefs and abilities when it comes to a career.
- Explore our website to find internships and jobs offered through TDU’s Career Services.
- Take advantage of opportunities on and off-campus to gain leadership and teamwork skills through activities and organizations.
- Create a resume and cover letter using the online guide and fine tune it with a career counselor.
- Attend a career fair to learn about different career paths and make contact with professionals.
- Take advantage of an experiential learning opportunity such as internship, co-op, externship, research, or volunteer work relevant to your area of interest.
Sophomore Year
- Update and fine tune your resume and cover letter.
- Complete a career profile for Career Services to better assist you.
- Conduct a practice interview with a friend, employer, or a career counselor.
- Choose courses that will help you make your career decision.
- Attend career fairs and events to learn about internships and co-ops.
- Speak with employers about future opportunities. Collect business cards where possible.
- Gain career-related experience through an internship, co-op, externship, research, or volunteer opportunity.
- Set up a job shadowing experience with a professional in a career of interest.
Junior Year
- Update and fine tune your resume and cover letter.
- Conduct a practice interview with a friend, employer, or a career counselor.
- Research application deadlines and test information if you are thinking about graduate school.
- Set up an appointment with a career counselor to discuss career strategies.
- Attend career fairs and events to learn about internships and co-ops.
- Gain career-related experience through an internship, co-op, research, or volunteer opportunity.
- Become active in a campus or community organization or activity to strengthen skills in leadership, teamwork, and problem solving.
- Develop relationships with faculty and employers to use as references.
- Explore with faculty in your major the possibility of helping with research projects.
- Develop networking skills attending career events and practicing with a career counselor.
Senior Year
- Update and fine tune your resume and cover letter.
- Contact and create a list of three references.
- Discuss your job search strategies with your career counselor.
- Applying to grad school? Follow individual program guidelines and deadlines.
- Schedule GRE and other admissions exams.
- Practice your interviewing skills with a career counselor.
- Be sure all of your social networking sites are professional. Employers may check.
- Begin your active job search at least one semester prior to graduation.
- Attend all campus career fairs and events to learn about entry-level jobs.
- Apply for posted jobs and on-campus interviews.