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Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Although the terms "resume" and "curriculum vitae" are often used interchangeably, they are in fact quite distinct documents. If you are applying for an academic position in higher education or for a research position in an academically oriented organization, you may be required to submit a curriculum vitae in addition to or instead of a resume.

Also known as a CV or a vita, a curriculum vitae includes detailed information highlighting academic achievements. It is a comprehensive document that lists such information as earned degrees, research experience, teaching experience, publications, assistantships, internships, study abroad, academic awards or scholarships, university involvement/service, conference participation, languages and professional presentations.
Curriculum Vitae
In addition to serving as a job application, a CV may also be submitted for grant applications, fellowships, merit/tenure review, consulting and submission to editorial review boards.

A curriculum vitae does not include an objective and may be several pages in length. Candidates with an undergraduate or master's degree should limit themselves to two to three pages. Personal data such as age, race, marital status, religious or political affiliation and physical characteristics should not be included. The contents of a CV differ across disciplines, and your vita probably will not have all of these sections yet, but at least consider each.

Contact Information - Here, include your name, address, phone, fax, and e-mail for home and office, if applicable.

Education - Indicate your major, type of degree, and the date each degree was awarded for each postsecondary school attended. Eventually you'll include titles of theses or dissertations and chairs of committees. If you haven't yet completed your degree, indicate the expected graduation date.

Honors and Awards - List each award, granting institution and the date awarded. If you have only one award (e.g., graduation honors), consider incorporating this information within the education section.

Teaching Experience - List any courses that you assisted with as a TA, co-taught, or taught. Note the institution, role held in each, and supervisor. This section will become more relevant during your graduate school years, but sometimes undergraduates are assigned teaching roles.